The Healing Journey – Embrace the Shadow


Content from Week 5 of the Self-Mastery Course: The Mystical Wisdom of the Divine Feminine.

Here we are…all BOLD, spiritual women.  We excel at our careers, take care of our families, practice self-care, love God, and wake up most days with the glorious intention of doing our Best.

Every now and then we bump into a version of ourselves that feels broken, less than, disturbed, overwhelmed, anxious…etc.  These sensations, or mind views, do not feel as good as when we are “in the ZONE” therefore we feel like there is something wrong, something inside needs to be “fixed” or healed.

When we “experience” these aspects of ourselves, the entire Quantum Universe is vibrating with unlimited potentiality…waiting for you to Master the Moment.

Due to the limitations of the rational Thinking Mind, our mental habit is to focus on the perceived “problem.”  >>> “What is wrong with me?”  

This mindset will place you on a long road of self-discovery and perhaps years of therapy.   Why?   Because the wounds are “Ghosts….”   Well, shadows of the Truth…nevertheless…the Ghosts become excellent Spiritual Guides when you honor them.

Embracing the Wounded Feminine

Let’s have another pretend example of how these “Ghosts” show up in our lives.

Perhaps you were often teased for being talkative as a child. Believing that you “talk too much,” you start retreating within, weighing every conversation to see if you “did it again.” Or maybe you grew up constantly calculating what you want to say, wondering if your words and feelings have any real “value.” One day, someone makes a harmless comment while you’re preparing for a presentation: “Be careful not to put too many words on that slide.”  POKE!!!  You have just been triggered, and the result is an emotional body that has flown into fury!  <<<  SEE!!  There is the dark feminine coming to your rescue!  

Why the fury? It wasn’t the comment, the presentation, or even whether or not there were too many words on the slide.  The fury was the part of you that was emotionally invested in not being a chatterbox. Anything that threatens the way you present yourself to the world (that is, brings your Shadow Self into the light) will be seen as a threat to your identity — and ultimately, your safety.

What makes up your Shadow depends on what you subconsciously reject within yourself. We usually hear this come up as negative self-talk. Often, these rejected parts of ourselves are the result of childhood experiences.

Do we act on the fury??  YES!  But not in a furious way.  We seek a higher way > toward the Light >>> to express our authentic Self.  Your Shadow Self can have a negative impact on your well-being when you ignore or reject it. This part of yourself craves to be understood and explored.

This is because it was ignored and possibly shamed throughout your life. Even if it was less dramatic, we don’t feel mentally and emotionally at our best when our Shadow is not integrated into ourselves, which is to say — when the Shadow and Self are far apart.

The Effects of Ignoring your Shadow

When you ignore it, your Shadow will find ways to make you aware that it exists. This can lead to issues like:

  • Self-loathing or poor self-esteem       
  • Self-deceit and deceiving others
  • Anxiety and depression    
  • Offensive behavior toward others   
  • Self-sabotage
  • Struggling to have healthy relationships with others      
  • An inflated ego

When you reject your Shadow, you may also start projecting onto others. Projection happens when you see things in others that you subconsciously recognize within yourself.  Those parts can make you uncomfortable. As a result, you can seek to judge or punish others who reflect those traits.

By accepting your Shadow Self, you can start to see how your thoughts and emotions influence your behavior. 

We are born Whole and Complete, but through our life experiences, we learn to live fractioned lives, accepting some parts of our nature but rejecting and ignoring other parts.

Through compassion from your Higher Wisdom, you can empower yourself to live life more deliberately and consciously. You can start to show up as your Authentic Self. 

Unafraid, and able to transform the fury into dynamic, forceful, yet kind, speech.

The Royal Path of Yoga

There is only ONE Truth, which is:  You are Pure, Perfect, and Complete.  You are masterfully, and wonderfully made in the image of God.  Inside of you, and what animates you is God given life-force, and your Soul is the seat of Divine Wisdom, your Soul Contract, your pure essence.   To begin your Healing Journey, you must first embrace the Truth, and then shine that Light on the wounds, and on your human nature.

All spiritual text advises us to “first seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you.”  I prefer Jesus’ teaching on this subject.  😉  Greek philosophy, (Sophia) says to focus on what is Good, Beautiful, and True.  Light brings awareness to what seems dark.

By facing your Shadow Self head-on and embracing all parts of yourself, you can begin to uncover new insights and develop meaningful connections with others. Ultimately, this opens up the possibility for greater personal power and fulfillment in your life.

In short, the key to Wholeness is learning to LOVE everything about yourself unconditionally.


If you have not yet tried the suggested meditation practice from Week 4, I highly recommend that you engage with it.  We have spent the majority of our lives “trying” to be acceptable enough to receive love.   The Truth is…each of us are worthy of Divine, unconditional love, Always.   Allow yourself to experience That.

Here again are the prompts for that meditation>>>


        Bring yourself to Stillness through a few minutes of full Yogic Breath.  Notice prana rising and falling through Heart Chakra, allowing Heart Center to feel Full, pure, healed, and at Peace.

        As you FEEL more relaxed, practice the Divine Feminine’s Essence of Allowing… Imagine any visual of the Divine Mother standing behind you with her pure awareness and love flowing to you, embracing, comforting, and embracing you.

        Leaning back into her arms (and her heart and her energy), let Her love receive you; melting back into it, and merging with Her, your own true nature of awareness and love.

        Rest for a while, allowing this Divine Love to flow into you, healing, balancing, and connecting you with your own flow of Divine Feminine energy.  The two of you become ONE.   Feel the essence of Love flowing into every cell of your body.

        When you are ready, place your hands on Heart Center, and end the meditation.

Om Shanti ~ Melinda

Spiritual Wisdom is Yoga for the SOUL…

Buddhi Institute EMPOWERS women who are ready to embrace Next Level Living. Learn how to RISE above the storm through Self-Mastery programs created for women that are aligned with the healing wisdom of yoga.

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