Embracing the Unknown


Many of us experience anxiety, doubt, irritation, and fear as we engage in daily efforts to make our lives flow the way we want them to go. 

Our Thinking Minds thrive on problem solving; therefore, an untrained mind will spin endlessly, thinking ahead with the intention to avoid any possible detours or unexpected bumps in the road.

This is what the human mind does on autopilot. It over thinks, and over plans believing IT can manage potential chaos and any feelings of uncertainty by constantly thinking, thinking, and thinking.

If you are wired to obsess, remember this urge stems from old survival wiring. Our ancestors needed hypervigilance to stay alive. However, in our modern world, most of what we stress over now isn’t actually life threatening, such as a long line at the coffee shop.

In spiritual practice we must always remind ourselves that uncertainty is part of the grand adventure. Unexpected life experiences allow the Universe to surprise and delight us.  We obtain freedom and inner peace when we have sense to let go of outcomes and allow ourselves to be guided into a different direction of thought and expectation.

Why Surrendering Control Is Challenging

The Thinking Mind has many “jobs.” Its most important task is to navigate our safety and comfort. Survival Wiring is part of our DNA, but overlaps into our “memory” center. Stored within us at sub-conscious and unconscious levels are all the memories of any loss, upset, trauma events, and any life experience in which we felt threatened.

For this reason, any current life experience that presents itself as having an unknown outcome will activate neural alarm bells, which send signals to our interior landscape that a potential “threat” is a possibility, even when rationally we know all is well…at least in the present moment.

This instinct to fixate on potential problems is the working of the intellect, born of Ego…and it is the Thinking that short-circuits our ability to surrender into Higher Law.

Many people feel that surrendering Ego equates to giving up. Giving up is experienced emotionally as a failure or loss, therefore, we instead strive to force outcomes we believe will lead to success and manifest our desires.  Yet underneath our inner programing for trying to control situations, which is generally a fear-based intention, lies the opportunity to instead silence the mind and go within and seek peaceful intuitive wisdom.

By releasing our need to control outcomes we allow the feeling of uncertainty to flow and transcend into a feeling of peace. Uncertainty opens us up for inspiration, and new ideas for solutions and better outcomes emerge organically.  In short, Divine Wisdom becomes you.

Allowing “space” for discomfort brings you inward to experience a peaceful ocean of inner wisdom underneath the noise of a fear induced Thinking Mind. In stillness, you will find clarity and courage to open your heart and mind to endless possibilities.  Pre-programmed ideas of expectations of how things “should” be will begin to release.

The ART of Allowing releases you from the inner discord of constant worry and planning, and creates room for tranquility, creativity, and spontaneous joy.

Instead of remembering past setbacks or strategizing for control of the future, we learn to trust what flows into us as ideas and solutions in the present moment.  Sometimes we have to wait for instruction.  Sometimes we have to wait for a green light “Go” signal.  Sometimes we have to wait for results to become manifest. Waiting for the perfect solution or idea to rise into a peaceful mind is the Spiritual Path.

Surrendering control allows our brains to expand, evolve, and adjust to challenges through a higher process called Faith.   Faith becomes a living force within us, which allows us to Trust the Universe’s design.

Cultivating trust becomes easier through mindful practices like meditation and self-reflection. Remind yourself of your connection to All that IS during your sittings. Allow yourself to Embrace the mysteries of life for relief and growth.

Surrendering control deepens our connection with the Universe, and makes us active participants in life’s cosmic dance, which flows on love and faith in things Unseen.

Melinda Johnston, M.Msc. Spiritual Philosopher and Coach, Intuitive Healer, Wellness Consultant, International Speaker, Author, and Peace Activist.

Melinda resides in upstate New York, yet services clients and students all over the world as a Soul / Consciousness Coach, Meditation Instructor, Wisdom Teacher, Retreat Leader, International Author, and Ordained Minister. 

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