Asking. Believing. Becoming.


The wisdom of YOGA is unique because it explains, in great detail, the metaphysical mysteries of the Universe along with our role in the grand design, and how to master the Laws of the Universe in effort to become united with Source.

To align with the dynamic Laws of the Universe, Akasha, God / Source…you must learn how to cease the egoic tendencies of the mind, come to stillness, and invoke a higher wisdom to flow through you as You. This is how we Awaken the Spirit Within.

Buddhi Institute meditation retreats for women

When the mind runs on autopilot, we fall into the illusion that we are the Doer, and what we desire to create becomes tangled up with the Law of Circumstances. When we release the contents of the mind, and flow from the Heart…then we become sacred vessels of Creative Power.  

Buddhi Institute mind body and soul retreats for women

Flowing from the sacred simplicity of the Soul, YOGA occurs, and we become Divine instruments of peace, joy, and light for ourselves and others.

Sacred simplicity of the Soul is a relationship that requires quieting the mind, coming to Stillness, the Art of Allowing…and learning to:

Ask for whatever is that we Seek…and…stay in JOY while the mechanics of fulfillment align.


We were not designed to come to planet Earth and handle everything on our own

The gift of Life is awesome when we remember who we Are, where we came from, and how to stay connected to infinite possibilities that will aid our capacity for healing, loving, giving, sharing, growing, and co-creating with Source. 

ASK WITH A GLAD HEART! When trying to create change in our lives, affirmations help.  A positive mindset helps.  Please realize that these activities rely heavily on the thinking mind and emotional body. 

I highly recommend going directly to Source.  Doing so opens up an entirely different realm of consciousness and potentiality.  Prayer, praise, and playfulness tune you into an infinite reality. 

Whatever confuses you, depletes you, hinders you, troubles you…

  • ASK for discernment to SEE it in a different Light.
  • Have gladness for the Awareness of the {shadow-self)
  • Give praise for the authenticity of your Soul Song, or whatever you are loving in the moment.
  • Sit. Stay. Breathe… until you are able to FEEL a sense of Peace.

You know what your dreams, passions, and hopes are…

  • ASK for the fulfillment of those requests.
  • ASK for super-natural healing, creativity, insight, vitality.
  • FEEL connected to Source. 
  • Sit. Stay. Breathe… until you are able to FEEL at Ease and Inspired.


We encounter struggle in our lives when we try to do everything by our own effort, our own understanding, and our own attachment to desired outcomes.   

How you relate with Source will be up to you!  Engaging in this relationship is part of the Self-Discovery process.

You can have a formal relationship and engage through the mechanics of Quantum Law, or you can have a personal relationship with Source / The Universe by speaking (asking) and believing…realizing that there is an Almighty, Unseen force behind the “scenes” in what we experience as a three-dimensional life experience.

The Universe is a Quantum playground of thinking, speaking, and believing. 

Whatever you BELIEVE…grab hold of That.  Explore it fully!   Learning to trust the Laws of the Universe, or (God’s Promises) is what GROWS us.

Asking, Believing…Trusting…Growing…Becoming…this is the Spiritual Journey.  This is the Quantum Rabbit Hole.  How deep do you want to Go??

Asking, Praying, Journaling… THOUGHTS ARE SEEDS.  WORDS ARE SEEDS. 

Embracing Anxiety – 4 Session Series begins May 2. LIVE online courses for spiritual healing via ZOOM.

Thursday Evenings 7-8:30 pm


If you want a preview of what your life will be like a week from now, a year from now…five years… then have Awareness of what you currently talk about and think about.

Our ability to THINK and SPEAK are tools of prophecy.

Thoughts have immense Creative power.  But the words we speak are binding. There is no escaping the words we speak.  Their vibration “Moves Across the Waters,” which means our words stir the ethers and activate Quantum Law.

We have the creative power to let release the thoughts that we realize are not serving us.  We can de-activate habitual thought patterns.  With careful awareness we can begin the process of weeding the garden of the Mind.  As our thoughts improve, our speech will become impeccable.

Impeccable speech prophesizes your future.  As Spiritual Goddesses, we are to speak blessing into our lives and the lives of others.  This is BOLD CONFIDENCE of character. Impeccable speech aligns you with the Truth of Quantum Law. (God’s Promises)

In the process of Becoming, yes…you SEE the dark corners of your Inner World…you send love and compassion in that direction…but you will only talk about the Light.

This is called speaking Victory into your Life. This is an agreement to release the “lesser,” for healing and transformation.   May we learn to stop talking about what is not working out in our lives. 

It is our Egoic Nature that is afraid to speak bold “faith” into our lives.  Our ego doesn’t want to look silly or ridiculous if what we “prophesize” doesn’t come to pass…or takes longer than expected.  Society more readily accepts our stories of difficulty, upset, and perspectives about what is lacking.

Our spoken Word vibrates. Repetitive phrases burrow into our Spirit like a corkscrew.  The frequency of those spoken words BECOME us.

In short, YOGA is getting into Agreement with the Laws of the Universe. Yoga is the process of cultivating a relationship that becomes reciprocal with the Almighty Source of Creation and our Highest Self.

Prayer for Spiritual Light

Beloved Source, shine within me your eternal Light. I ask for perfect illumination and guidance as I seek to pursue the path You have prepared for me.

Guide me know which decisions will direct me into Right Action. Grant me the wisdom to know when to make decisions about changing situations in my life.

Speak wisdom into my heart so that I will know which choices to make for the benefit of my family. Help me know what I should start doing and what I should stop doing. Show me how I can guide my family to the decisions they should make. Help me support them on their path and choices.

Beloved…carry me during the moments when I feel afraid, and uncertain. Give me the courage to take that step and boldness of spirit to trust that the rest of the path will light up before me as needed at the appointed time. ~ Om, Amen…

Melinda Johnston, M.Msc. Spiritual Philosopher and Coach, Intuitive Healer, Wellness Consultant, International Speaker, Author, and Peace Activist.

Melinda resides in upstate New York, yet services clients and students all over the world as a Soul / Consciousness Coach, Meditation Instructor, Wisdom Teacher, Retreat Leader, International Author, and Ordained Minister. 

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