Honor your Entire Existence


You are inhabitant of a complex and unique five-body system. It is comprised of your material body, energy body, mental body, wisdom body, and an energy blueprint template called the Bliss body. Earthly success and personal fulfillment rely on your ability to balance these five bodies.

Each of us, more than likely, have a stronger connection to one specific body. Some people are thinkers, some are feelers. Some are so concerned with their physical appearance to the extent that their Spirit suffers. Some are so enchanted by the spiritual that they neglect their physical body and experience illness and disease.

The individual presentations are endless, the goal is to strive for balance in your five bodies honoring them for the ways in which they serve you and the critical role they play in your life. Tuning into the voice of each body is an important practice for you as a being of energy and continuing to cultivate your “VIBE.”

As you begin to KNOW each body, and create “relationship” with each body, you will strengthen the bond of engagement with both your Human Design, and Divine Nature.  Hence, yoga, bridging the Gap…making the “two” into ONE.

Mind and Spirit always recognize your efforts along your path to self-realization. If you choose allow your Divine Nature to take the “wheel” of your life, this Source, Inner Guru, will lead you to success and fulfillment in all areas of life. Being balanced within will ultimately bring about balance in your outer world and all of your earthly experiences.

Know Thyself…

The Physical Body

Your physical body is the vessel that functions here on earth and houses your most innate instincts. The physical body is a mirror of how your other bodies are functioning.

If the physical body is out of balance, it is generally related to a corresponding imbalance in one or more of the higher bodies. The physical body can only perform as well as it is cared for so it is extremely important to give it nutritious food, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, play, and love.

To combat against fatigue, make sure that the energy intake funnel at the top of your head is always open. Visualize it being open and clear. This allows for a constant stream of energy to enter into your physical body and keeps you healthy.

The Energy Body | Prana  |  Life Force

The energy body connects your energetic self with your physical self. It overlays the physical and becomes your physical body’s hard drive as it sends commands to dictate how you experience energy at the physical level. This is the body that gives you direct access to your true multi-dimensionality.  Most of us have no relationship with this part of ourselves.  We only notice when we are lacking energy, or motivation.  Engaging in breath work practices, observing the breath, learning to master the breath will give you everything you need!

The Mental Body

Your mental body processes your ideas, thoughts, and beliefs. It stores this information and the patterns that you create. It gives perspective and logic. It pushes you to seek greater knowledge and mental understanding of the world. The mental body helps to formulate the questions that bring you through life.

Most importantly, your mental body opens you to your creative intelligence. The mind is the builder of form. It is your thoughts that create your life.

If you want to predict your future, tune in to what you are thinking about now. If you would like to change anything about your outer life you can begin by changing the thoughts you think.

Please note…Your emotional body, or feeling body is connected to the mental body.  Your emotions are the creative counterpart to your mental body in that it describes the quality and tone of your thoughts.

The emotional body gives you a guideline to follow and will explain exactly what you can expect to experience in the near future. It is crucial to understand that whatever you are thinking and feeling, you are creating.

The Wisdom Body

Your wisdom body is your direct connection to Source energy and higher guidance.

It houses your intuition, hidden potential, and higher realm of consciousness that is not limited by Ego.  You use your other bodies to climb the ladder to your full spiritual potential. Every accomplishment that is made in the other bodies creates light in the spiritual body. This is where the process of enlightenment unfolds and where you are guided intuitively into your individual process for merging into your Divine Bliss Body.

The Bliss Body

This is the “place” that is best described as the Kingdom of Heaven within.  It’s a potentiality of Awareness.   You enter this place via Grace.  You cannot force your mind, emotions… any of your energy forces into knocking down the barriers to this inner place of the utmost High.   You can see it through Mind’s Eye.  You can FEEL it here and there in a fleeting moment.   The goal of Yoga is to become ONE with this “place,” the Spiritual Heart.


In short, we stay imprisoned in the mental body… the whirling, churning thoughts and emotions.    These are our:

  • Perceptions
  • The Personal Narrative of who we are, what we have been, what has happened to us, our memories, and future ideas of who we are becoming, and why we might suffer…etc.
  • Mostly, what we believe that blocks us from Happiness.

So… how do we go beyond the boundaries of our own self-created limitations??

PLACE YOUR ATTENTION ON A DIFFERENT BODY! To exit the mental-emotional body is a process called, Surrendering the Ego.   Ego HATES that, and will fight, kick, scream and rebel…it will not rest without a fight.   The Thinking Mind does not like to come into Stillness…this is why meditation practice is quite difficult in the beginning.

The Thinking Mind is quite like a toddler.  If we give IT something else to do…IT will feel acknowledged and temporarily happy.

I encourage all of us to begin to enjoy a relationship with our Energy Body and engage in Mindful Breathing practices.   In the Yoga Sciences, this practice is called, Pranayama. Instead of trying to quiet the mind, and only count breaths, or focus on a mantra… learn to use breath to focus on sensations inside the body.   This will keep Thinking Mind entertained and happy, even though we are actually leaving the Mental Realm and going someplace new.  This technique kinda “fools” the Thinking Mind.

Try this Practice of Awareness …

Chose a comfortable position and sit or recline with a straight spine.
The reason for sitting straight is not difficult to see. An arched or crooked back will soon bring pain. Furthermore, the physical effort to remain upright without additional support energizes the meditation practice.

To achieve peace of mind, you must make sure our body is at peace. So it’s important to choose a position that will be comfortable for a long period of time.

Once comfortable, close your eyes and prepare to go inward.

Close your eyes. Then place your attention at the belly, at the abdomen. Breathe normally—not forcing your breathing—neither slowing it down nor hastening it. Just a natural breath.

You will become aware of certain sensations as you breathe in and the abdomen rises, and as you breathe out and the abdomen falls.

Sharpen your aim, (your inner Witness)

Be aware from the very beginning of your session of all sensations rising into and out of awareness. Be mindful of the entire process beginning to end.

For example: maintain a steady attention through the middle and the end of the rising. Then be aware of the sensations of the falling movement of the abdomen from the beginning, through the middle, and to the very end of the falling.

Do not try to break these processes into three segments. Just be aware of each of these movements from beginning to end as one complete process, as a whole. Or, if you come into awareness of an emotion or thought, try to notice that the thought is in the middle of being, near the ending…ending…etc.

Do not peer at the sensations with an over-focused mind, specifically looking to discover how the abdominal movement begins or ends.

Learn to label the process of what you Witness.

One helpful aid to obtain accurate Mindfulness is to make a soft, mental note of the object of awareness, naming the sensation by saying the word gently and silently in the mind, like “rising, rising . . .,” and “falling, falling. . .”do this for breath, or emotion.

Watch the mind! Be aware that you are thinking.

Note any thought you become aware of silently with the verbal label “thinking,” and come back to the rising and falling.

During sitting, if another object impinges strongly on the awareness so as to draw it away from the rising and falling of the abdomen, this object must be clearly noted.

For example, if a loud sound arises during your meditation, consciously direct your attention toward that sound as soon as it arises. Be aware of the sound as a direct experience, and also identify it succinctly with the soft, internal, verbal label “hearing, hearing.” When the sound fades and is no longer predominant, come back to the rising and falling. This is the basic principle to follow in sitting meditation.

Noting mental objects

Mental objects seem to present a bewildering diversity, but actually they fall into just a few clear categories, such as “thinking,” “imagining,” “remembering,” “planning” and “visualizing.”

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